Sunday, September 2, 2012

What do termites sound like?

Termites do not have the ability to make sound as humans do for communication. Termites communicate via pheromones most of the time. Occasionally when termites are disturbed, for instance when a piece of timber that they are working inside collapses and distorts opening up the workings to our atmosphere the soldier termites rapidly run to the open area to defend the colony from potential predators.
The instant that this disturbance has happened, the soldier termites start to bang their heads against the timber making a clicking or tapping type of sound, this sound is repeated by all of the soldiers that are within earshot and very rapidly the message that there is a disturbance or an incursion into the colony gets back to the Queen.
The sound that the termites may have varies depending upon the area within which they are working, often because the timber is hollow, the sound is amplified and is quite drummy. When the timber within which they are working has been extensively damaged and has little structural integrity left the sound is often quieter.
People will often hear termites when the termites are working in the wall next to the bed. It can be quiet enough overnight that the sounds of biting can be heard. This is quite rare but does happen on occasions.
Click here to hear what termites sound like.

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