Termite baiting is certainly proving to be an outstanding leader in the field of termite colony elimination. When it comes to eliminating a termite colony there are few choices really.
The choice of a system to protect your home is very important as not all systems are designed to work in all homes. Much research should go into which system best suits your particular home. A professional can usually sum this up in next to no time, so if you have a technician that you trust take his advice. There is a lot more behind termite control products than the layman might think.
- Baiting, feeding a palatable substance to the termites that they will willingly transport back to the colony and share it as a food source.
- Dusting, introducing by stealth a toxic dust that will adhere to the bodies of termites and inadvertently be transported to the colony where members of the colony may come into contact with the toxicant as they groom each other thereby possibly ingesting the dust.
- Nematodes, an extremely small creature that can be introduced into the termite workings where it can then try to do what nematodes do, and enter the termite and cause death by eating the gut and other parts of the termite.
Baiting termites has become a %100 positive solution for controlling termites in Sydney. When the system is installed correctly and maintained in the correct way there are no failures.
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