Sunday, June 10, 2012

Options for termite (white ant) inspection in Sydney

In general all homes should have a visual timber pest inspection carried out at least every twelve months. A visual inspection is simply an inspection that does not include such things as lifting carpets, moving large furniture or insulation to better enable the inspection. what it does include is the checking of the yard and exterior of the property, underneath (if access available) through each room of the house and finally through the roof void.When carrying out a visual inspection a competent termite control technician will be able to determine if there is a need for further tests or an invasive inspection.Often when carrying out a visual inspection, a technician will find some conditions that give rise to suspicion that termites exist in the are but cannot prove it. During a visual inspection a moisture meter may be used. A moisture meter will detect the presence of moisture in such materials as gyproc and timber. Often when termites are present a high level of moisture will also be present.A thermal imaging camera can be used for special circumstances where non invasive investigation is preferred. A thermal camera detects infra red radiation from the top 1/1000 of an inch of the surface that the camera is being pointed at. Termites use damp mud in their workings and this can show up as a different thermal signature when viewed through the. Thermal camera.Invasive inspection is often a last resort method of determining whether termites are extent. Invasive inspection may include lifting carpets and vinyl, removal of some trimming timbers and even cutting areas of gyproc to reveal the timber wall studs.There is a place in pest management for all of the above however in general the place to start is with a visual inspection. After carefully choosing a termite control company you must then be able to be confident in following the recommendations made by the technician.

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